

  The average age in gyms and health studies is increasing, older people are fittest and healthier than ever. The field of tension between this positive image of age and an image that critically examines the physical and cognitive abilities of older people presents marketing challenges, because the correct approach of this target group could be the key to the success of fitness and health companies. sector. Demographic development shows: Germans are getting older. In the last 50 years alone, average life expectancy has increased by 10 years. This development is based on improved medical care, continued medical progress, and the associated decrease in mortality (bpb, 2017). But the future landscape of society is not only characterized by longer life expectancy. Many people stay fit and healthy into old age. The perceived age is usually 10 to 15 years below biological age, which is also manifested in the lifestyle and consumption behavior of many older people  (Zukunftsinstitut,  2019).


  The pre-Christmas season attracts you with roasts, stollen and cookies, all delicious but high in calories. Chrissi and Mirco from  HIIT Together have put together  a short but crisp HIIT workout so you can fully enjoy the feast without having to worry about extra pounds. Together they want to declare the fight against the kilos of Christmas with you. So that you can do something good for your body in a quick and easy way, in this effective full body training, you will perform 15 different exercises with you for 15 minutes. How it works: each exercise is carried out for 35 seconds, there is a 25-second break between exercises. In the stress phase, you accelerate thoroughly to stimulate your metabolism to the maximum and let the hip fat melt even in the rest phase after training. HIIT Workout: the 15 exercises 15 exercises in 15 minutes: here you will find all the explanations of the explanations in the training video: 1. High knees Stand up straight and keep the middle part of your b
  Consejo de la   Centros para el Control y Prevención de Enfermedades (CDC)   es simple: "La actividad física regular es una de las cosas más importantes que puede hacer por su salud". El Reino Unido   Servicios Nacionales de Salud   está de acuerdo: "El ejercicio puede reducir su riesgo de enfermedades graves, como enfermedades cardíacas, derrames cerebrales, diabetes tipo 2, cáncer hasta en un 50%, y reducir su riesgo de muerte prematura hasta en un 30%". También sabemos que el ejercicio es bueno para nuestra salud mental. Puede mejorar su estado de ánimo y ayudarlo a dormir mejor. También se ha recomendado el ejercicio para ayudar a aliviar la depresión, el estrés y la ansiedad, entre otros desafíos de salud mental. Para muchas personas, la dosis diaria de ejercicio proviene de los pasos que dan cuando van al trabajo, las escaleras que suben cuando se mueven de una oficina a otra y su tiempo en el gimnasio de la empresa. Sin embargo, las restricciones de los gob